Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Chapter-2, page-110

Assignment of Critical Thinking (ENG 75) 
How Inferences Can Go Right and Wrongs 

Ø  People make inferences to solve their own problems. They use to make inferences for help them to fill their missing facts and in order to make sense of the facts they have.

Ø  People solve problems in different ways like by asking questions, gathering facts, makings inferences from them and also those inferences suggest strategies for finding new facts. Those new facts turn lead to new inferences.

Ø  However, when people use inferences with consciousness and imagination, they give them certainties which they need to move forward.

Ø  Inferences are one kind of mental operations in the search for knowledge.

Ø  Hence, there are some difficulties in inferences; one of them is when inferences are confused with facts as though they were facts.

Ø  Normally, inferences used with consciousness skill which lead us to knowledge.

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